

to the emotional chaos!

Well, you’re in for something amazing. Watch the replay and discover:
  • Simple steps to restore emotional connection with your man, without unnecessary sacrifices or tension
  • The truth behind his distance and how you might be unknowingly contributing to it
  • What to do and what to avoid when he pulls away
  • The biblical principle that helps you detox from toxic patterns and build a healthy, solid love that truly feels like home.

It’s time to truly understand his distance and create an unbreakable relationship.
Yes, of course you can!

Join our community and stay subscribed for top-tier relationship skills that most women only dream about.

I know you’re here for valuable content, so I want to let you know that all my resources and programs are available exclusively in English. Why? Because my message is meant to reach a global community that needs it. Welcome to the tribe!

How I refused to stay

stuck in a dead marriage

I remember holding my newborn baby girl, wondering what kind of love example I am showing her. I mean, I couldn’t exactly be teaching her that silence, withdrawal and emotional absence were the key ingredients for a healthy relationship, right? Didn’t sign up for this when I said "I do" - I’m mumbling for myself.

I thought I hit the jackpot when I married Doughert—masculine and charming. But without any inner work and relationship skills - I found myself starring in my own personal soap “drama”.

Then, one night, after yet another fight, Doughert storms out. Oh, perfect, he goes and sleeps at the office for 3 nights. There I am, holding Aliyah, wondering: "That’s it? Will she grow up with a disappearing dad for 19 years, like I did?" Are we really headed down that road?

I was rocking her to sleep when I realised I couldn’t pass on my mother’s pain or the high school bullying wounds. I chose to step into who I truly was—God’s daughter, confident and empowered.

I worked like crazy on my self-image, owning my presence and energy. Within days, Doughert came home and saw the change by himself. And let me tell you, he didn’t leave again. He actually came back in the version that I manifested while healing my self-image.

And he continuously shows up—imagine that.

Now, I’m Corina, an internationally certified relationship coach and NLP practitioner

I’ve helped women across 3 continents turn their relationships around using a combo of relationship skills, biblical wisdom & manifesting laws, plus practical easy tools.

If I’ve got your attention, get ready for wonders—because when you do this work, God is also working for you.

What’s waiting for you in

“When He goes cold” intensive

Part 1: Why Do Men Need Space?

They pull away when they feel in love - yes, you heard that right!!

Let me take you behind the scenes of the dragons he has to face and the mountain he needs to climb alone.

Learn the real reasons for his distance and how you can respond wisely according to where your relationship is. Trust me, you’ll want to know what’s going on in his head!

Part 2: How You Manifest His Withdrawal and Have No Clue

Unhealed wounds are keeping you stuck in a cycle of feeling rejected, unseen, and unloved—and you’re probably manifesting this in your relationship without even realizing it. But why does this keep happening?

It’s all about what’s left unresolved inside of you. Your resistance to the message he’s sending and to your own healing keeps the cycle going. mesajul și rezistența la propria vindecare te ține prinsă în acest cerc.

Time to try the most unconventional method to detox from these toxic patterns and finally break free.

Part 3: The Difference Between Space and Neglect

Space or neglect? It’s key to know the difference -and I’m here to help you spot the signs.

I'll break it down for you: how to tell if he just needs a breather or if you’re being emotionally neglected. And once you know, you’ll know exactly how to handle it—no more guessing, no more unnecessary drama.

You’ll handle it like the empowered woman you are.

Part 4: Why Giving Space Is Powerful

Am pentru tine un tool fabulos din Feminine Grace Toolkit: The Space ToolLet me give you a brilliant Tool from my Feminine Grace Toolkit: the Space Tool. This game-changing technique will help you stay calm in the chaos.

No more insecurities, complaining, or clinging. Instead, you’ll learn how to show up as an empowered queen who respects both your own needs and his.

Part 5: Practical Ways to Handle the Distance According to Your Relationship Stage

Here’s how to handle the distance at each stage of your relationship—without losing yourself or compromising your needs.

This is key for your emotional health and keeping the attraction alive. When you nail this, you’ll effortlessly cultivate the polarity that keeps everything balanced and magnetic.


Imagine Imagine If Your Love Life Took a 180° Turn - Without the Fairy Tale BS**T

Încă nu ai aflat

secretul femeilor puternice

care au relații fericite și sănătoase, în timp ce excelează în carieră?

Well, you’re in for a treat!
Participă GRATUIT la MasterCall și descoperă informații prețioase:
  • pașii către succesul tău în iubire, fără sacrificii și lupte inutile
  • cele 4 schimbări pe care le poți face chiar de acum pentru rezultate fabuloase în iubire
  • mega surpriză: un master TOOL care te va ajuta să obții acea relație plină de iubire și pasiune, dar și o carieră înfloritoare.

Descoperă cele 3 secrete

pentru a redeveni feminină și ADORATĂ de partenerul tău
Descarcă ebookul gratuit și învață:
  • Cum să îți dezvolți imaginea de sine și feminitatea pentru a fi iubită de el.
  • Cum să vorbești cu un bărbat pentru a crea conexiune și intimitate.
  • 8 trucuri ale femeilor prețioase și puternice.
Dacă vrei să te simți fantastic în relația ta… Începe cu relația nr. 1 din viața ta:
Devino membră în comunitate și rămâi abonată ca să primești informații la care majoritatea femeilor NU au acces.

God doesn’t just heal your heart to make things better for you. He restores also your relationship to show the world what’s possible when you BELIEVE.


Now it’s your time

Once you go through the gift resource, if you feel called to move forward together with me - hit me up and let’s transform your story into a LEGENDARY one. Let’s connect here: