Rekindle his passion

The beginning of the relationship feels so sweet with the butterflies in the stomach and it is heartbreaking for so many women to see the spark fading away over years.

When the spark goes, the romance goes too and women feel emotionally disconnected. I feel so sad whenever I hear my clients say “I think he doesn’t love me anymore… he hasn’t touched me lately”. One of the ways women feel connected to their men is by touch. Therefore, no touch, no love. And suddenly the relationship feels so much different than at the beginning.

Do you feel stuck in your relationship and you don’t know if you should stay or go?

Do you find yourself going towards him, looking for attention and affection, or asking him to give it to you?

Do you feel invisible in front if the TV, or the phone, or his friends?

Then this article is for you.

When your man doesn’t pay attention to you like he used to, you start feeling unattractive. Or unworthy. Left behind. You start feeling disconnected and frustrated.

What doesn’t work:

As a natural reaction, you will try to fill in this gap by investing more in your looks, trying to make yourself more pretty or sexy.

You will become pushy and naggy and ask him to give you what you need.

Some women will just jump in other man’s arms to have their needs met.

Some other women are walking away.
In any situation you may be, I know how frustrating it feels!

Why it doesn’t work:

Let me tell you a secret about him. Men are designed differently. The daily stress and responsibilities are enough to make him absent or far away. It doesn’t mean he stopped loving you.

He already feels unhappy for seeing you unhappy. He feels incapable to meet your needs. He gets angry with himself and because he is not able to express his emotions, he will radiate his anger in his actions towards you. You feel hurt. You react. He sees you needy and insecure. This will make him feel more unworthy. You must break this cycle now!

He is not inspired to do things for you. He will eventually shut down and leave.

What works

There is a way you can turn everything around. It doesn’t have to be either staying miserable, either leaving. I will show you few steps to rekindle his passion for you, without you having to actually DO anything, but simply being what you are -a gorgeous woman.

1. Step back.
Stop demanding from him and find your worth and happiness outside the relationship. Find something to do that makes you happy that has nothing to do with him.

2. Praise every little step he’s taking towards you.
Notice the small things that he is doing for you or for the house and say thank you. “Thank you for buying food tonight, it means so much”.
Appreciate what he is doing, even if it’s less than you expect. Appreciate his looks. “I feel so turned on when you wear this shirt. You look handsome!”.
Don’t think he owes you something. If you give him a massage to help him relax after a long day, don’t do it just to get the same in return. Do it because you feel good doing it.

3. Be open, kind and smiling.
Stop complaining in your mind that you’re not happy and why it happened you. The moment you will learn be enough for yourself, your energy will change and you will transmit another message to him and everyone around you.

4. Remember how you were in the beginning when he fell in love with you.
Flirt again: inside jokes, love notes, a surprise, a meaningful look in the eyes.
Bring back the sweet names: find your own sweeties to call one another, if “baby” and “honey” are too classical. Make them funny and unique, so that he feels at home when he hears them.
Don’t hold the grudge after a misunderstanding. Let the past in the past. Focus on building love.

Why it works

This will motivate him to do more for you because this is his purpose as a man -to make you happy. This way, the blocked energy will be released and will flow naturally from his masculine energy to yours.
He will feel the need to look for you and spoil you again.
Give it a try for few weeks and you will be amazed by the quickly turnaround. For more advise and techniques, feel free to call me and let’s work together on your situation.

With all my love.

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